Transforming a software development site from a ‘cost center’ to a ‘product center’

Okay, this will be a short article.

To achieve the goal of transforming a software development site from a cost center to a product center (i.e. an innovation center), without getting into moot points or too much of detail, I believe it’s a no-brainer that ‘culture’ is probably the most important topic to be addressed.

Let me know if you notice any key ingredient missing!

Visionaries vs. The Frankensteins

In big companies, based on my experience, there’s so much friction between product and development teams. The #1 reason for this divide is ‘organizational culture’. While the product, leadership, and marketing teams are wearing one hat, the development teams’ mind is in a totally different world.

Below are some differences – I leave it to the reader to conclude which teams are on what side of the culture spectrum. It’s up to the leadership team to fix the divide.

The Visionaries

  • Have critical thinking abilities
  • Focus on the future
  • Take calculated risks
  • Experiment a lot
  • Learn from failures
  • Experts in iterative development and course corrections
  • Project goal is important than personal goals
  • Understand that personal growth is a byproduct of successful products
  • Own failures and deflect credit for successes to everyone who contributed
  • Work with the frankensteins, have no time to find fault with them

The Frankensteins

  • Are mostly into binary thinking
  • Expect every line of code to reach production
  • Expect every product to become successful
  • Averse to risk taking
  • Scared of failures
  • Get trapped in unproductive biases
  • Always working for a visionary, yet finding faults with visionaries!
  • Attach themselves with successful projects and detach from the failures
  • Personal and team goals are important than product goals
  • Do similar work every day, get monthly paycheck, repeat

Bad product manager vs. Good product manager

A lot of material is out there on the topic – however, a refresher is always useful.

1. A bad product manager talks more (or maybe less than the minimum needed), but listens less for sure.
A good product manager will listen effectively, listen more, and then some more.

2. A bad product manager is clueless about product strategy & the overall business direction, and hence does a lot of conjecture.
A good product manager aligns the team’s efforts with the product strategy, understands that focus is not about moving in a straight line but it is about aligning with your purpose.

3. A bad product manager is data driven. (and then blames the data if the results are not favorable)
A good product manager is data inspired.

4. A bad product manager approaches problems from only one dimension – data, customer, competition, sales, or technology.
A good product manager optimizes his approach towards problem solving, and does the right level of trade-offs between data, customer, sales, technology, competition, etc.

5. A bad product manager has low agency, low EI, and high ego.
A good product manager has high agency, high EI, and low ego.

6. A bad product manager neither makes course corrections nor thinks about opportunity costs.
A good product manager always intends to do the right thing even if it requires to make course corrections and is consciously works toward mitigating opportunity costs.

7. A bad product manager attempts to please everyone. (sounds intriguing, isn’t it)
A good product manager focuses on his target customer/persona.

And we could add many more, but the above list is a good summary of the top differences. Thoughts?…

Product-Market Fit, the only metric that matters initially

A lot of us talk about Product-Market Fit and to the highest degree in the startup world. In this post, we’ll touch base on the topic, its context, etc. so it acts as a good refresher.

What is Product-Market Fit?

Product-Market Fit is building a product that the market is fully satisfied with, a product that solves top problems for the targeted customers and they are willing to pay for it.


Additional definitions from various sources

  • Product/market fit is identifying a compelling value hypothesis. (Andy Rachell)
  • Product-Market fit is when you build something that people want. (Paul Graham)
  • Product-Market fit is when you have the right solution to a problem that’s worth solving. (Ash Maurya)
  • Product-Market fit is when users love your product so much they tell other people to use it. (Sam Altman)
  • Product-Market fit is when your customers become your salespeople. (Michael Porter)
  • Product-market fit is the degree to which a product satisfies a strong market demand. Product/market fit has been identified as a first step to building a successful venture wherein the company meets early adopters, gathers feedback and gauges interest in its product(s). (Wikipedia)

Why is Product-Market Fit important?

Product-Market Fit is the most important metric, probably the only metric that matters, when introducing a novel product (a new product of its kind) in the market.


In the introduction phase, after launching the MVP, it is almost incumbent on the product team to continuously assess customer feedback and iterate the product to improve its relevance & acceptance and thereby achieve Product-Market Fit sooner than later. There’s usually no competition at this stage, so it is only obvious to achieve Product-Market Fit as soon as possible, because a faster fit means the product will enjoy maximum differentiation for a longer period of time. Achieving Product-Market Fit is an important milestone for all product teams and esp. startups as it ensures we have built the right product.

How to achieve Product-Market Fit?

Product-Market Fit is best achieved by having a strong product discovery process. Continuous validation with target customers and refining your offering is the key to success. Typically, you start with a hypothesis, build an MVP, validate it, and iterate based on what you’ve learnt.

How to determine if Product-Market Fit is achieved?

Below are some commonly used methods:

  • High cohort retention (asymptotic churn)
  • High MoM and YoY growth rate
  • Your product is 10x better than the leading alternatives
  • Passionate user feedback & when people sell for you (high NPS)
  • Willingness to pay (business model)
  • High Customer Lifetime Value
  • The 40% rule – if at least 40% percent of surveyed customers indicate that they would be “very disappointed” if they no longer have access to your product

That’s the wrap on Product-Market Fit.

And here is a bonus.

There’s a chasm out there

To reiterate, Product-Market Fit is to be achieved in the introduction phase — however, that doesn’t automatically qualify the product to be acceptable to the mass market (early/late majority).

In other words, Product-Market Fit was achieved for the Early Adopters, but the expectations from the mass market (Early Majority) are different. There’s a chasm that needs to be crossed!


According to Geoff Moore, author of ‘Crossing the chasm’, the early majority are looking to minimize the discontinuity with the old ways. They want evolution, not revolution. They want technology to enhance, not overthrow the established ways of doing things/business. And above all, they do not want to debug somebody else’s product. By the time they adopt it, they want it to work properly and to integrate appropriately with their existing technology base. The early majority / pragmatists want to buy from market leaders — be a market leader niche by niche.

A good approach, mentioned in his book is the Beachhead strategy — in business, particularly startups, the beachhead strategy is about focusing your resources on one key area, usually a smaller market segment or product category, and winning that market first, even dominating that market, before moving into larger markets.

Let’s stop here, and cover this topic in a separate & dedicated post.

Hope this post is useful!

Key product metrics through the product life cycle

Most of us are aware of the typical Product Life Cycle curve (PLC) but product management leaders ought to be on top of key metrics that define success in each of the PLC stages.

The purpose of chasing the right metrics in each of the life cycle stages is to ensure the developed/built product delivers value to customers, is viable to the team, and profitable for the company.




There is, of course, the market discovery and product discovery phases before you develop a product and introduce it in the market.

Market discovery is about identifying a problem worth solving and identifying the right opportunities worth pursuing.

Regardless of identifying a new problem via market discovery or deciding to solve an existing problem innovatively, it’s essential for companies to do a good job at product discovery – it’s about identifying the right product to build which will be valuable to the target customer and feasible & profitable for the company.

Now onto the metrics…

Product Introduction Stage

  • Goal: Achieve product-market fit ASAP
    • A good and a faster fit means the product will enjoy maximum differentiation for a longer period of time
  • Key metrics
    • NPS
  • Product management strategies
    • Take the MVP approach with a sincere product discovery process
    • Induce product trials (as needed)
    • Understand who’s really using the product, which aspects of the product are resonating the most
    • Discover unmet needs & new insights from customers and the overall market
    • Iterate fast on the learnings

Growth Stage

  • Goal: Maximize market-share
    • After product market fit is achieved, and as the news of a new good product arrival spreads, there will be new players jumping into the ring for a fight. So, market share becomes the obvious metric to focus on.
  • Key metrics
    • Primary
      • Market Share Growth Rate
      • Customer Acquisition Rate
      • User Engagement
      • NPS
    • Secondary
      • Unit Economics
  • Product management strategies
    • Product differentiation becomes key
    • Mine data to uncover patterns and new insights
    • Automate customer on-boarding
    • Continue iterating and improving the product
    • Continue scaling to support growing numbers & increased usage
    • Do not compromise on product quality

Maturity Stage

  • Goal: Retain market-share
  • Key metrics
    • Hold/grow market share
    • Unit Economics & ARPU
    • Repeat usage
    • Customer churn
  • Product management strategies
    • Optimize COGS
    • Create fine product distinctions, focus on enhancements with high ROI
    • Consider new market segments and uncover unique needs the product could address

Declining Stage

  • Goal: Decline gracefully, with a win-win strategy for the customer and the company
  • Product management tactics
    • Ensure the product works and is compatible with the latest OS/browsers/etc.
    • Address critical/trending field issues that could potentially become a PR nightmare
    • Address security issues
    • Scale down infra to optimize cost
    • Give long lead time to customers

Hope the post is useful, feedback is welcome.


Top 4 traits a Product Leader should NOT have

A lot has been said about qualities that product leaders must possess. Let’s spin it around a bit and look at the topic from the opposite direction, and crack down the top traits a product leader should NOT possess.

Here’s my top 4.

1. NOT having a vision

Knowing where we are heading to is a fundamental know-how a product leader must obviously be aware of. Product leaders are required to inspire their teams, they can’t inspire if they don’t have a vision.

Not having a vision leads to loss in focus, lost focus leads to nothing but a me-too product.

2. NOT having a strategy

It’s not sufficient to just have a vision and not know how to get there. Strategy is the chosen path to achieve the vision and make it a reality.

Product Strategy has to be crafted meticulously to ensure it aligns with the organization’s values, capabilities, and resources with the opportunities in the external environment.

3. NOT innovating consistently

Every competitive advantage has a lifespan, so consistent innovation is the key to stay relevant in the market.

4. Aspiring for more followers

What are you going to do with more followers, anyway? As someone put it “the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers“. A leader’s job is to groom his subordinates to become leaders in their respective area of ownership. Product leaders must focus on the success of the product and eventually the business, and not aspire to have more followers.

Hope you liked the post, please do comment on what you think!


How do I know my idea is worthy of becoming a product?

This blog post is a synopsis for a talk from Teresa Torres (@ttorres) called An Introduction to Product Discovery.

It was an excellent presentation — here is the condensed synopsis for my product management friends.

We should immerse ourselves in our customers’ worlds, actively working to develop a deep understanding of our customers, what their needs are, the context in which those needs occur and ideas emerge through this deep understanding. We should not be sitting in a room deciding what to do next, we should go out meet customers and ideas emerge out of deep understanding, and still we move forward cautiously by iteratively testing our ideas.

Assumptions in this approach are (1) We don’t know about our customers until we observe them (2) Customers are the experts (3) We are wrong, so experiment.

There’s two aspects to product discovery: (1) Deep shared understanding of the customer’s world (2) Iteratively test ideas

1. Develop a shared deep understanding of the customers’ world grounded in research


  • Customer development interviews
  • Customer observations
  • Dairy studies
  • Participatory design


  • Customer journey maps, grounded in research
  • Empathy maps, grounded in research (thinking, feeling, seeing, doing)
  • Customer personas, grounded in research
  • Any tool that helps visually communicate what we’ve researched

Build empathy for the challenges and pain points that our customers are experiencing. We want to provide enough context about the customers’ world that our teams would feel the same pain, start to empathize with our customers, and want to help them out.

2. Evaluate whether an idea is worth pursuing by iteratively testing it

Don’t go ahead with full steam and build too much. Quickly learn that the idea is not going to work so that we can move to the next idea that will work.

  • What has to be true for this idea to work → every idea has a whole set of assumptions that have to be true for the idea to be successful.
  • For each idea, you might have a dozen assumptions.
  • For each assumption: What evidences support our assumptions and what refute them (past experiences, win-loss, customer requests, inventory of existing evidence) → classify each assumption as valid vs. risky
  • For the risky assumptions, turn them into formal hypothesis with experiments, with experiments we are going to collect more evidence, we are trying to de-risk a risky assumption, based on the evidence collected from experiments make a final judgment call about the risky assumptions

Iteratively test assumptions

How many assumptions are true and how many are to be iterated on / evolved → most often it’s not a go/no-go decision it’s about refining/modifying the idea based on what we are learning.

At some point when we have enough evidence, we can decide to go ahead and iteratively build and test it.

If there is insufficient evidence with a lot of risky/unprovable assumptions, we could park the idea and move onto the next one.

The loop will be time consuming for the first few assumptions, and then it’ll be okay. Because most of our ideas could share the same set of underlying assumptions.


Ideas emerge from our deep understanding → those ideas get iteratively tested/validated → we start to learn about which assumptions are true and which are not → that feeds back into our deep understanding → and that makes our ideas better and better.

Building blocks

Hope you find this post useful.

Backlogs: How many do you have?

Backlogs are an inherent part of software companies — many articles talk about the need for a backlog, prioritizing it iteratively, having more details for higher priority items, etc. but there’s not much guidance on how many backlogs should a company have. And that’s what we’ll discuss in this blog post.

Some people I’ve come across think there needs to be one backlog and pick the top items from the list for implementation. That’s a flawed approach because in a typical ‘single backlog approach’ the items would be weighed in a mix of several business priorities and at the end of the day you’d have achieved less-than-100% of few things and not 100% of even one thing.

So, how many backlogs should a company have?




One for each VP… maybe

multiple-goalsImage credit:

The correct way to tackle backlogs is from the perspective of business priorities. Below is a simple step-by-step guide:

1. Jot down all the corporate objectives & business initiatives, with their preferred timing (let’s call them ‘goals’)

2. Allocate budget for each goal

3. Have a separate backlog for each goal

4. In each backlog, prioritize items with value, effort, and impact to its specific goal. Typically, the stronger an item impacts the goal the higher is its priority. This way the rank of each item in the backlog could be assessed against the impact to its goal.

5. Time the backlog implementation (based on the overall goal timing, see #1)

6. Using the allocated cost/resources, knock down items starting from the top of the list

I believe this method helps us to concentrate our resources, remain focused, and create meaningful impact to the business.

Would love to hear how many backlogs you have and on what basis do you build them!

Top 9 differences between Terrific Companies & Terrible Companies

Sometimes the difference between success and failure is the result of how some companies approach their business and the values they stick to.

Here’s a list of differences between Terrific Companies & Terrible Companies, at least how I perceive them. Whilst the list could be long, I’ve trimmed it to the important ones.

This is a topic that is close to my heart, and has been sitting in the drafts for a while.

Hope you enjoy the list.

Terrific Companies Vs. Terrible Companies

Please do share your thoughts!

The Originals…

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs

A while ago, I bumped into a TED Talk called ‘The surprising habits of original thinkers‘ by Adam Grant and this blog post is inspired by it.



Image/screen-grab credit: Adam Grant

Two key takeaways from this talk are:

  1. Originals start fast and let the idea incubate in their minds for long periods
  2. It’s okay to be not the first mover, you just have to be different and better

I see a correlation between the ‘crazy ones’ mentioned by Steve and the ‘originals’ in Adam’s talk.

Both (the crazy ones and the originals)

  • Do not care for the status quo
  • See things differently
  • Have a burning desire to succeed
  • Want to a make a valuable impact
  • Are in their own creative world
  • Take calculated risks
  • Are not afraid of failures
  • Do not want to finish first just to look good

Would love to hear your thoughts!

Thank you @AdamMGrant, for the topic and the inspiring talk.